Moins chaud, sans climatisation

Nous pensons que l'humain peut s'adapter aux températures sans pour autant user de systèmes coûteux et complexes. Le bon outil au bon moment peut être salvateur.

Le micro ventilo en fait partie.

Dans le métro, dans le bus, dans la rue, chez vous, dans un spectacle, à un festival, au sport... connectez le juste à votre smartphone, et détendez-vous.

Nos principes


We want to be around for a long time, and to do that, we need to look after our planet. That's why our business practices and production methods are fully certified sustainable by the Jackson Foundation Sustainability Board.

Carbon netural

Whenever possible, we use carbon-neutral production and delivery methods, but sometimes our options are limited. When that happens, we compensate for the carbon emissions by actively contributing to various emission reduction programs.


In our minds, quality doesn't always have to be only synonymous with high prices. We've worked hard to create products that don't have a high price tag, but that comply with our internal, extremely high quality standards.


In order to do our share for the planet and its people, we only use sustainably-sourced organic cotton in our fashion. This way, we can do our bit to end modern slavery and third-world poverty, and support small-scale farmers directly.